viernes, mayo 3, 2024
InicioNacionalVideo: Exhiben a taxista "mañoso", quiso cobrar 1000 dólares por viaje

Video: Exhiben a taxista “mañoso”, quiso cobrar 1000 dólares por viaje


El deportista canadiense, Xavier Cornier, exhibió a un taxista que le quiso cobrar 1000 dólares por el viaje en Cancún.

Contó que el ruletero le cobró mil dólares por trasladarlo de la terminal 2 a la terminal 4 del Aeropuerto de Cancún, donde prácticamente se puede llegar caminando.


PART 2 – EXPOSING the SCAMMERS that work at the CANCUN AIRPORT🇲🇽⚠️ FULL STORY BELOW Airport Taxi driver : Eduardo Galicia Guadarrama Airport Taxi Plate number: 67-HB-1R Security Agent 1 : Cristian Pollo – working at Terminal 3 Thursday April 18th 2024 at 2am Security Agent 2 : Alejandro Choch – working at Terminal 3 Thursday April 18th 2024 at 2am ! I was traveling to the airport going back to Montreal Canada at 2am Wednesday night / Thursday Morning the 18th of April 2024 when I got set up by the taxi company from the airport and the security at Terminal 3. They told me I could not stay there and need to pay another taxi ( from the airport! ) to go to Terminal 4 for 5$ which I did. I was alone with the 2 security and the only taxi available when they start pressuring me to pay via Credit card. I did not want to but I had no other choice and could walk between terminal they told me. After paying with my card and getting back in the Taxi for only 2 minute I Realized the payment that went on my card was over 1000$ . I was still in the car and the situation escalated at the Terminal 4 where I managed to get the attention of the touriste and traveler waiting for they flights. When the taxi saw the security he tried to escape with me and my luggage in the car but I manage to jump in the front of the car and shift the transmission on Park which almost result in a car accident. The airport security arrived just in time before situation got even more crazy. I filled a report number against the driver and the taxi airport , I believe some of the cops and security agent over there where also in the scam because they wanted me to go the police station to press charge against the driver but to only get rid of my story and all the proof I have against the scam system at the airport including Security and the Airport Taxi Company. I believe if I would stop the car in time something even worst was waiting for me. Are these scammers still working at the Cancun Airport?! If yes help stop this corrupted system and DO NOT TRAVEL TO MEXICO!🇲🇽⚠️

♬ original sound – Xavier Cormier

Xavier registró esta horrible experiencia en una serie de videos que publicó en su cuenta de Tik Tok, donde dijo haber visto toda una red de corrupción entre taxistas y guardias de seguridad del aeropuerto.

“Estaba solo con dos guardias que me dijeron que no podía estar afuera del puerto y me instaron a tomar el único taxi disponible. Me obligaron a pagar con tarjeta de crédito, pero no quise.”

Después del abuso empezó a llamar a la policía para denunciar al conductor identificado como Eduardo Galicia Guadarrama, según denuncias del turista, el taxista quiso impedir que llamara a la policía, pero no pudo y trató huir.

En el video, Xavier dice que casi se rompe la pierna tratando de detener al taxista, pero logró detenerlo y salvar su equipaje.

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